Writing the Unexpected Stories of Life and Love

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Soak it up, Buttercup

"If I have to clean up one more spilled drink, pick up one more pair of dirty socks, wash one more cup because my child uses ten a day, find sucker wrappers and sticks tossed on the counter or on the floor right next to the garbage can, and if my daughter sings that line one more time, Armageddon might just go down in the Young house tonight."

We've all been  there! Questioned if we can go through it all again the next day.

After getting down on all fours, to wipe up yet another spell. You just laugh. After the fifth spill that day, it's gotten humorous. What else can you do. You put the towel on top of the milk and say, "Soak it up, Buttercup."

Then you remember...

Kids bring smiles and laughter and joy. They leave messes and little drawings with permanent markers on places other than paper. They sing and dance and play like no one is watching. They love with hugs and kisses and snuggles. They beg for pet dogs and cats and maybe a snake or a ferret. They hid worms in jars in their room and cry when it dies because they forgot to put holes in the lid. They explore and imagine. They dream and believe. 

They grow too fast...

Days of play-do smashed into the carpets, muddy shoe prints on the newly cleaned floor, loud voices and banging of pots and pans through out the house, busy schedules full of piano lessons, soccer games, theatre performances, and boy scouts will all fade away.

One day the house will echo with silence. One day the floors will shine. One day the refrigerator will be void of half drank glasses of milk, and the fireplace hearth will no longer be used as a stage. One day you'll open the cabinet under the sink, find the name of a child who'd written her name their many, many years before. You'll run your hand across it so thankful you hadn't taken a Mr. Clean sponge to it. You'll regret being so angry that day when you found the writing in permanent marker, but then you'll smile remembering the way she apologized and gave you a hug.

One day the front door will open and in will come your grandchildren, a new generation. Loud noises, hugs and kisses, pet grasshoppers in jars, games and performances to attend, spilled milk to wipe up, and art projects found in all the wrong places to cherish.

Enjoy every moment with the child in your life even when it's challenging. Whether it's your child, your grandchild, niece or nephew, student, team player, or one who waves at you in the store.

Soak up the contagious laughter. Maybe join in and sing and play and dance with them like no one is watching. Put down your book. Look away from your phone. Save your work for later. Let the floors stay dirty just a few more minutes.  Love the days your blessed with your child.  Be present before it's too late. Soak it all up, Buttercup!

I'd love to hear from you. What ways do you enjoy each day with the children in your life. How do you soak it all in?